
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

New Stuffs

I have had three pieces included in group shows this month with one more (sneak peak below) coming up on Friday. In addition to another group show next month, i'm starting to prep for the Lincoln Arts Festival (end of September) and a holiday show (how?! how is that possible?). I should probably go dig out my desk from the chaos that is my studio...

Also, not sure if you know, but you can now follow me on Instagram (as bunnypirates) and Vine (just search for my name). Generally it's pictures/vines of my dog. But occasionally there is art stuff there too. And once there was a picture of a pie, so really who knows. 

"Give Her The Right Look, The Right Boyfriend, and Bam. In Six Weeks She's Being Named Prom Queen."
Inspired by She's All That
Part of Gallery1988's WE MADE THEM DO IT show.


"Jellyfish Fields Forever"
Part of Gallery Nucleus' NAUTICAL NONSENSE Spongebob Squarepants show.


"Today's Secret Word"
Part of Ltd. Gallery's SATURDAY MORNING show.


And here is a little sneak peak for my contribution to Hero Complex Gallery's BLEEDING METALLICS show, opening Friday.

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