
Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Nerd Love Ladies (Round 1)

For a while now I have been wanting to do fan art of some of my favorite nerdy lady characters. Since I really like structured sets, especially alphabet sets for some reason, I decided to make this into a project featuring one favorite female character (comics, video games, movies, TV, etc) for each letter of the alphabet. I'm calling the project Nerd Love Ladies, after a similar project that I set for myself back in 2010. A new nerdy collage every week had been the initial goal, but needless to say that didn't really pan out. I have also started making a list of Nerd Love Gents, so that might be something to look for in the future. 

I will be selling these original pieces on my Etsy site as I complete them. The first batch - featuring Garnet (Steven Universe), Lying Cat (Saga), Midna (Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess), Princess Bubblegum (Adventure Time), and Uhura (Star Trek) - will go on sale on Wednesday, June 22 at 11:00 a.m. CST. 

Before I start a collage I do a little digital color mock-up so I can plan what paper I will need before I start cutting. So here you can see a little rough-draft of all the pieces I have planned for the series (the next set is in the works so I should have them up in the shop in a couple weeks).

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